Isopure Perfect Low Carb Protein Supplement with Great Tasting Dutch Chocolate Flavor, Lactose Free Fat Free, 0 grams of Sugar. Isopures Perfect Low Carb Protein contains 50 grams of 100% Ion Exchange Whey Protein Isolate. Any and all impurities typically found in most whey proteins have been removed to provide you with a great tasting, lactose free, glutamine enriched, state of the art low carbohydrate protein supplement.
Furthermore, Isopure contains 0g of sugar and is instantized so it can be taken anywhere and mixed with a spoon. Isopures Major Protein Include: Beta-lactoglobulin 55 - 62% Alpha-lactalbumin 19 - 22% Immunoglobulin 9 - 10% Bovine Serum Albumin 6 - 8% Lactoferrin .5 - 1% In addition, Isopure is rich in branched chain amino acids and glutamine.Each Serving of Isopure Contains: 3465 mg of isoleucine 7865 mg of leucine 3080 mg of valine 4.6 g of L-Glutamine.
Natures Best Isopure Low Carb Protein 3 lbs
For a rich, thick shake, mix 2 scoops (62 g) with 12 fluid ounces of water in a shaker or blender. If a shaker or a blender is not convenient, Isopure can be stirred into solution with a spoon.